December 02, 2012

DEFUSING: What about CISD on children?

Debriefing & Defusing
· Is a shortened version of CISD
· It includes only three stages
· It may be implemented immediately after the event or shortly thereafter
· It may eliminate the need for a full debriefing

· The defusing process – typically includes the 3 main stages in CISD
· A shortened version of CISD

Defusing Design/Format
· Implemented immediately, or within 8 hours of a traumatic event

Stages of Post-Trauma Defusing
Stage 2: EXPLORATION – participants’ dis
closure of facts, cognitive and emotional reactions, and finally symptoms of distress related to the traumatic event
Stage 3: INFORMATION/TEACHING – to cognitively normalize and educate with regard to stress, stress management and trauma

A CISD Approach
JB Decatoria

1.  Write or draw a picture that tells about your family or where you live (or you used to live).
2.  In every person’s life, some good and bad things happen. Draw or list the bad things that have happened to you.
3.  If you close your eyes, you will easily remember what happened to you. Where were you when the incident happened?
4.  How did you feel at that time? Did you get scared? What sounds did you hear? What did you see? Do you remember any smell? Remember how your body felt? Draw or write something about it.
5.  Do you feel safe in this place now? Draw something or make a list of things that would help you to feel safe.
6.  Are there any other feelings? Are you angry? Sad? Anxious? Afraid? Draw or write these feelings.
7.  Write or draw a picture of the worst thing you worry might happen to you.
8.  Draw or write something that would help you to feel safe.
9.  Being exposed to bad experiences or frightening situations can give you bad dreams, headaches, nervousness, trouble sleeping, repetitive thoughts about the incident, and others.
10. What do you do when you have a bad dream or when you have negative reactions?   Or when you feel nervous and have sleep problems?
11. Write or draw a picture of a dream you would like to have.
12. Write or draw something how you feel about the incident now.
13. Draw a picture of you before the incident.
14. Draw a picture of you now.
15. In every person’s life, some good things happen and some bad things happen. Can   you draw or list the good things in your life right now.
16. Hope means you believe things can get better. Maybe things are not so good in your     life right now, but someday they will be better. You can have hope.
17. You may also draw or write some wishes you have for the future.
18. Are there other things or feelings you wish to express or draw?

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